Thursday, 1 December 2016

How to keep your home warm without putting a strain on the heating bills

As the winter sets in its going to get colder which often means turning up the heating and increasing the cost it takes to warm the home. With these handy tips you should be able to keep your home warmer without having to keep turning up the thermostat.

Use the sun

The sun provides warmth for free so you should take advantage of it and open up your curtains and shades during the day to absorb that free energy, but remember to close them up as soon as the sun starts to set to keep the warmth that you have accumulated during the day inside the home. Investing in thick curtains for the winter will make a significant difference in the amount of heat they can keep in compared to thinner ones.

Apply weatherstripping

Adding weatherstripping to your windows and doors is a great way to block out drafts. It is pretty much invisible to the eye and a cheaper alternative to replacing your windows and doors.

Seal unused rooms

Those rarely used areas of the house such as the guest room are wasting valuable heat, seal any vents that in the room and if possible keep the door shut to contain the warmth in the house.

Move your furniture around

Large pieces of furniture such as sofas that are positioned in front of radiators will be absorbing some of the heat that they are giving to the room.  Move furniture around to give more space between them and the radiators to allow the warm air to circulate the room easier. 

Only turn the heating up a fraction

Returning to cool home can tempt people to turn their thermostat all the way up to warm the home quicker. This is not the case it will only overwork your heater as it tries to reach the high temperature. If it does need to be turned up a little, only turn it up a little.

Invest in a rug for wooden floors

Wooden floors can let a lot of heat just escape right through them, by adding a large rug to the floor you will create an insulated layer to trap heat in and at the same time provide a cosy area for your feet.

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