Monday, 11 August 2014

A guide to Bitumen heating

As specialists in providing a comprehensive package of design, installation and maintenance of Bitumen trace heating systems throughout the UK and overseas, we have successfully installed our trace heating products in a broad variety of applications of Bitumen in its liquid state including storage and processing facilities.
What is Bitumen?
As an oil-based substance, Bitumen is a semi-solid hydrocarbon product that is produced by removing elements such as liquid petrol and diesel from heavy crude oil during the refinement process.
Commonly known as Asphalt in other areas of the world, when paired with a mixture of small stones, sand and filler it can be used for road paving – however, this is not the type of bitumen that we refer to.
With our Bitumen Trace Heating systems, we aim to offer solutions with the intended purpose of safely handling this liquid Bitumen.
With modern electrical trace heating becoming increasingly more important in industries that deal in manufacturing, heated hoses and wires with particular features are becoming a requirement in the production of ground reinforcement and heat recycling.
You may already have a Bitumen Processing facility in place, in which case we can provide you with the advice as well as the right heating cables to suit your needs.
We understand that the efficient handling and storage of Bitumen is vital to the smooth running of your business which with downtime could see reduced production and processing and in turn a loss of profits.
Planned and preventative maintenance of your heating systems could prevent such occurrences – at Cross Electrical, we provide this maintenance service whether you purchased from us or another provider.
Click here for further information on our responsive maintenance and service option.
Our Bitumen trace heating systems are designed by looking closely at your needs and your method of processing. We offer practical advice on the temperature control of pipework throughout our understanding of working in a safe, reliable and maintenance free environment.
Our sole aim is to ensure that Bitumen can flow freely all day, every day without blocking pipework or solidifying between delivery points and storage containments.
As Bitumen needs to be kept among some of the highest range of temperatures, usually handled above 150°C with some of the most optimum temperatures higher than 600°C, it is vital to ensure that there are no danger of reactions to colder weather or outside forces which could drastically affect the temperature of the Bitumen.
Because of this, Cross Electrical provide preventative solutions to combat this with a variety of fully terminated trace heating units which can comprise of heating cables, thermal insulation and temperature controllers. These units, we ensure are fully compliant with your requirements and are catered toward your industry needs and functions.
These units are not only efficient in keeping the Bitumen at the most optimum state but are also robust and durable, designed with an applications environment in mind, with considerations to fumes and heat.
Our range
Our range of trace heating units which are applicable for Bitumen solutions include the XSSTC, which are heavy duty stainless steel sheathed heating cables, the standard XSS/SC and XCN/SC.
All of these can be purchased from us to be installed by your own pre-approved engineers with a view to delivering a newly designed or replacement heating unit via next day delivery.
This service works well if you have a fully established Bitumen processing faculty.
Our Cross Electrical qualified and highly trained engineers can also complete an on-site installation to industry standards with full consideration placed to healthy and safety and quality assurance legislation – this service includes a full project management service and on-site supervision.
The ranges we provide are:
  •  XSSTC – This range of heating cables is made from a stainless steel sheathed twin conductor and provides single run heating heating circuits for applications above 600°C.
  • XSS/SC – This range is made of stainless steel sheathed single conductor heating cables which can provide resistance to most corrosive substances above 600°C with a minimum installation temperature of -60°C.
  •  XCN/SC – Made from Cupro-Nickel, this range of single conductor heating cables is cost efficient for Bitumen kept at intermittent temperatures up to 250°C.
Find out more about our full range of Bitumen Trace heating cables on our website, you will also find some PDF guides to which cables will suit your application.
For answers to any questions or to enquire about our products please contact us.   

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